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Sophie was a Neapolitan Mastiff - born 4/22/01, pasted away 9/14/04. When we brought her home on 7/13/01 she weighed 29 lbs! When she turned 16 weeks she was 50 lbs., at 5 months she was 74 lbs/ 8 months she was 110 lbs!
At two years of age, Sophie weighed 145 lbs. And when we lost her at the age of 3 1/2, she weighed 170 lbs!!! The first group of pictures were taken the weekend we got her... (If you've seen the Harry Potter movies, Hagrid's dog Fang is a Neapolitan Mastiff.)


Sophie (taken 7/15/01) 29 lbs. (almost 3 months)
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  2 megabyte movie  
Sophie (taken 9/27/01) 77 lbs. (5 months old!) Click on the images to display a larger version.
Sophie (taken 10/20/01) 87 lbs. (6 months old!) Click on the images to display a larger version.
Sophie (taken 12/29/01) 110 lbs. (8 months old!) Click on the images to display a larger version.
Sophie (taken 7/12/01) 130 lbs. (15 months old!) Click on the images to display a larger version.
Sophie' Last Day (9/14/04) 170 lbs.
     (2 1/2 years)
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